Starting Something New

So, here we are.

I never planned to start something new in an international crisis—but it’s fitting, no? The entirety of who I am is built on triumphing over crisis. My hustle is a quality that was forged in the fire of debilitating circumstances. It’s what has given me the belief that hard work leads to success and that anything can be overcome when you believe in your talent, do your research, and build a plan.

And that’s exactly what lives at the core of what Bombshell is.

Not just that—it’s fundamental to what we do. Bombshell was built to partner with visionaries and help them build a plan and execute on it. It was built to answer questions that you don’t know how to answer. It was built to create a way forward through uncertainty. And nothing has really characterized these past few months more than uncertainty. There are a lot of questions to answer, chief among them, “How do we move forward from here?” And all of those opportunities—all of the incredible ideas and passionate thinking that are poised for their next steps—excite me more than I can express.

So, let’s do a little rundown:

Reach out if…

  • You are ready to shift your thinking from tactical groundwork to strategic growth

  • You have just closed one chapter and you’re figuring out what’s next

  • COVID or any other outside factor has changed the game for your business and you want to think through the way forward

  • You know there is one addition or change in what you do that will get you to where you need to be, but don’t have to tools to do it alone

  • You want a partner to soundboard and catalyze you

Whatever you’re looking for, though, let’s have a conversation. We can figure out how to accomplish what you need with what you have.

If none of these are you right now, but you still want to support what I’m doing, feel free to leave me some support on Ko-fi. We’re going to be doing cool things-- you can be a part of it.

And, onward we go.

Thanks for joining me at the beginning of this journey and I’m excited for what we might get up to together.

— AA